UNJ Public Relations (10/29/18), Universitas Negeri Jakarta received a visit from the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Mehrdad Rakhshandeh as a Cultural Counselor of Iran Islamic Republic Embassy whose objective to discuss the cooperation possibilities in various aspects related to education field such as; lecturer and student exchanges, scholarships, research, invite the Iranian experts to Indonesia. Dr. Achmad Ridwan, M.Sc (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Vice Rector for Cooperation and Planning Affairs) and Khrisnamurti, M.Sc (Head of Public Relations Office and Public Information) was present as the UNJ representative. They warmly welcomed the Iranian delegations at Vice Rector IV Office on 3rd floor of Rectorate Building.

This visit was the second visit of the Islamic Republic of Iran. University of Guilan had visited and cooperated with U

niversitas Negeri Jakarta years before. In this initial relations meeting, Dr. Mehrdad Rakhshandeh said that the Iran Embas

sy would try their best in establishing the cooperation between Iranian Government and Indonesia pertaining education issues. He also stated that he really focused on Indonesian students who want study abroad in Iran or even help Indonesian researcher in conducting a research under Iranian central government supports. The generous ideas from Iranian Embassy were greatly welcomed by Vice Rector, Dr. Achmad Ridwan, M.Sc. He intended to discuss the cooperation further on a different occasion which planned at the Iranian Embassy.

To end the visit, both side exchanged tokens and souvenir. Both parties hope that this could be a good start between Indonesia and Iran and would effected the science and education development. (IWR)

Categories: Activities

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