Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Negeri Jakarta conducted an International Conference SMIC which held for four days, started from 2nd November to 5th November 2018, located on Lumire Hotel and Convention Center, Central Jakarta. Bringing up the theme of “Empowering Research and Education in Science & Mathematics for Global Competitiveness,” this International Conference attended by Acting Rector and Vice Rector IV of UNJ, along with the FMIPA dean staffs, FMIPA lecturers and students.

The first day started with a workshop themed “Value and Teaching Characters” and delivered by Dr. Elisabeth Taylor and Prof. Peter Taylor; “STEM”; delivered by Dr. Rachel Seffield and “Learning Environment” delivered by Dr. Rekha Koul. After lunchtime, the participants enjoyed the performance of Ratoh Jaroe on the Opening Ceremony which continued by official opening remarks from Dr. Achmad Ridwan, M.Si as the Vice Rector IV UNJ along with the FMIPA dean staffs. After the ceremonial, the seminar started with two invited keynote speakers, they were Prof. Dr. Russell Tytler and Prof. Berinderjeet Kaur, Ph.D. the session enclosed by a coffee break.

On the second day, three keynote speakers were invited they were Prof. Dr. Akrajas Ali Umar; Prof. Dr. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D.; and Prof. Dr. Carlene Arceo. There were poster sessions held during the lunch break and parallel session in another room simultaneously. The parallel session divided into two sessions and filled by a research result presentation of each speaker’s. The summit of this event was the Cultural Dinner where the moment livens up by performances from Sabang to Merauke dances of Indonesia. The audiences also took part in the performances as they enthusiast to give a try of our archipelago dance. Besides the traditional dances, the audience played an Indonesian traditional instrument Angklung as well. They played some songs using Angklung under the lead of Saung Angklung, Mang Udjo Bandung. The moment ended with a warm dinner accompanied by some songs from FMIPA students and photo session together.

The last day begun with a seminar which invited three keynote speakers, they were Prof. Dr. Peter Taylor; Dr. Mohamed Helmy Khafagy; and Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Barke. Similarly with previous days, after lunchtime, there was a parallel session where the invited speakers presented their research results. The activity closed officially by Dr. Yuli Rahmawati, Ph.D. as the Chief Executive of SMIC 2018 and ended with sharing the participants’ impression of the event. The photo session as well to capture a memorable moment.

The event was closed with a visit to Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park (TMII), East Jakarta. All participants took a city tour under the guidance from TMII tour guides. (source: Zulfah)

Categories: Activities

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