[Global Opportunities] Australia Global Alumni

[Global Opportunities] Australia Global Alumni

Alumni Professional Development Program

Alumni Professional Development Program (APDP) is based on the Alumni Engagement Strategy of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI).

APDP offers an exciting mentoring program for approximately two hundred Indonesian scholars who have graduated from Australian universities. The primary objectives of the program are to:

  • Improve the quality and quantity of research/academic publications and communications materials and
  • Increase and enhance networks between alumni from industry, government, research institutions and academia.

The APDP welcomes Australian and Indonesian senior staff as Mentors and Indonesian scholars as Mentees (Alumni) from industry, government, research institutions and academia. Participation of Mentors and Alumni, with the support provided by APDP team, will enhance Alumni research publication capacity and capability.

The outcomes of the mentoring will encompass:

  • Academic research
  • Social policy

The APDP is delivered by an Australian consortium led by Griffith University (GU) , with James Cook University (JCU) and Charles Darwin University (CDU) in partnership with Indonesian universities; Universitas of Indonesia (UI) , Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), providing contextualisation and relevance to the needs of Australian alumni in Indonesia.

The APDP is committed to gender equality, accessibility for people with a disability, cultural and social diversity.

Registration Process:

Create Account or contact the Alumni Engagement Coordinator (AEC), T +61 7 3735 4716 | E APDPIndonesia@griffith.edu.au

The Alumni Professional Development Program (APDP) website is supported by the Australian Government.

The views expressed in the website are those of Griffith University, James Cook University and Charles Darwin University and are not necessarily those of the Australian Embassy Jakarta, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia Awards in Indonesia or Australia Global Alumni.

Categories: Activities

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