UNJ Public Relations (12/10/2019) Exploring education is an important aspect of life. Therefore, Universitas Negeri Jakarta held a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  on July 26th, 2018 by the Rector ad interim of UNJ, Prof. Intan Ahmad at Asia University (AU), Taiwan. This MoU was welcomed with open arms by Asia University, and as the continuation of this MoU, the Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science from Asia Univesity, Prof. Ying-Huei Chen, paid a visit to Universitas Negeri Jakarta this afternoon. This collaboration between Asia University and UNJ is actualized with three weeks of EMI intensive training for three Postgraduate Lecturers as part of the Postgraduate International Program and Joint Research between lecturers and students of Early Childhood Education Postgraduate UNJ and Asia University. A plan to hold an international conference together in September 2019 was also created. Postgraduate students will have a chance to do student exchange between UNJ and AU at the agreed time (Doctorate Program PKLH, MP, and IM will be prioritized). There will also be a lecturers exchange, in which UNJ Postgraduate lecturers will be given a chance to teach at AU Postgraduate and vice versa.

This event was held in Rector’s Meeting Room and was attended by Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation Affairs, Dr. Achmad Ridwan, M.Si, the deans from various faculties at UNJ, and UNJ Postgraduate Program. The purpose of the visit from Asia University is to follow up on the signing of the collaboration sometime ago. There was also a presentation about AU’s profile from Prof. Ying-Huei Chen and a further discussion about the partnership programs.

According to the Rector ad interim of UNJ, Prof. Intan Ahmad, follow up on this collaboration creates a bright spot for students’ education, especially for UNJ students. “Hopefully, the programs will soon be realized so the students can have an amazing experience from Asia University”. Student exchange will open the door for more knowledge, so when the students came back to UNJ, they can share what they got with their friends. “We hope that there will be more programs like this, or if possible, bigger than this, so more students can participate in this experience,” stated the Rector ad interim of UNJ.

Categories: Activities

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