Alumni Professional Development Program

Alumni Professional Development Program

Alumni Professional Development Program (APDP) is based on the Alumni Engagement Strategy of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI).

APDP offers an exciting mentoring program for approximately two hundred Indonesian scholars who have graduated from Australian universities. The primary objectives of the program are to:

  • Improve the quality and quantity of research/academic publications and communications materials and
  • Increase and enhance networks between alumni from industry, government, research institutions and academia.

The APDP welcomes Australian and Indonesian senior staff as Mentors and Indonesian scholars as Mentees (Alumni) from industry, government, research institutions and academia. Participation of Mentors and Alumni, with the support provided by APDP team, will enhance Alumni research publication capacity and capability.

The outcomes of the mentoring will encompass:

  • Academic research
  • Social policy
  • Commercialisation

The APDP is delivered by an Australian consortium led by Griffith University (GU), with James Cook University (JCU) and Charles Darwin University (CDU) in partnership with Indonesian universities; Universitas of Indonesia (UI), Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), providing contextualisation and relevance to the needs of Australian alumni in Indonesia.

The APDP is committed to gender equality, accessibility for people with a disability, cultural and social diversity.

Registration Process:

Create Account or contact the Alumni Engagement Coordinator (AEC), T +61 7 3735 4716 | E

The Alumni Professional Development Program (APDP) website is supported by the Australian Government.

The views expressed in the website are those of Griffith University, James Cook University and Charles Darwin University and are not necessarily those of the Australian Embassy Jakarta, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia Awards in Indonesia or Australia Global Alumni.

Australian Embassy Indonesia

Australian Embassy Jakarta

Australian Ambassador to Indonesia

Australia Indonesia Alumni Forum

Australian Embassy Jakarta

User Stories

Broadened my thought and networking

Yuliawati Madu, APDP Mentee

The most sustainable knowledge that I have received from the Alumni Professional Development Program (APDP) is to broaden my thought impacting me to be a more open-minded person and enhance my networking with impressive scholars that I had met. Even though the expectations of the program are challenging, I am keen to be part of this program which will contribute to enhance my performance to my professional development. Improvement in these two aspects learned as an Australian Alumni were confirmed at the APDP Workshop I attended.

I thank the sponsors of this valuable program and implementation team for enriching me with lots of information to improve my research, education and in turn my community.

Endeavouring to be the best possible young lecturer

Widya Pujarama, Makassar Mentee

Over the past few years, the Indonesian government has encouraged Indonesian scholars to do more on internationally recognized research. However, at the micro level, we relatively new lecturers in our journey as academicians are mostly engulfed with extensive administrative work and teaching activities. In addition, we find it hard to submit good papers to reputable journals without extensive input from and collaboration with Doctorate degree lecturers or Professors. The Alumni Professional Development Program, a mentoring program in 2017 has pushed me far beyond my previous capabilities and forced me to work on my paper, something I would never have been able to do without external influence. My mentor, a Professor from an Indonesian University, is so helpful and provides detailed feedback. I hope he is patient enough with me until we have a polished paper at the end of the program, worthy of publication in a reputable journal. I would like to see myself as the idealised lecturer I used to dream about: still young, but remembered as an academically thoughtful lecturer, whose ideas are discussed in a scholastic environment. Fingers crossed! Thank you for the contribution APDP has made in the path to achieve my dream.

Gained Tremendous Knowledge

Sulis Tiyorini, APDP Mentee

I would like to thank the Alumni Professional Development Program (APDP) team for the opportunity to join APDP and participate in the Inception Workshop last July in Jakarta. It has given me tremendous knowledge and experience in identifying the most appropriate subject matter for international publication, selecting the right journal, and developing my research paper accordingly. The workshop has also allowed me to develop new networks with other alumni from various industry, government organizations, research institutions and academia.Unfortunately, due to new responsibilities given to me at my workplace, with great regret I have to withdraw from APDP. However, I will continue with my research though I cannot meet APDP timelines. I sincerely believe that APDP is a great program for alumni professional development.

Professional Assistance

Brahm Marjadi, APDP Mentor, School of Medicine, Western Sydney University.

I thank the Alumni Professional Development Program (APDP) Coordinator for the professional and friendly assistance every time I have a question about the APDP mentoring. It is very good and reassuring for me as a mentor – and I believe for mentees, too – to know that our concerns are addressed promptly by somebody like you. I look forward to continuing my involvement in this program into the future.Through APDP support, my mentee and I have successfully collaborated and co-authored a research article ready for international publication and conference presentation.

Categories: Activities

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